Parasitology on the Web (QPweb)
interactive web surface provides statistical
tools to analyze and compare the
highly aggregated (right-skewed) frequency distributions exhibited by
parasites. Some other tools, like estimation of true species richness and
sex-ratios are also available.
A former version of this
software, QP3.0, is bit outdated and it comes with fewer functions. You
can still download it below, although we recommend you to abandon it and
switch to QPweb very soon.

Parasitology 3.0
This software provides statistical
tools to analyze and compare the
highly aggregated (right-skewed) frequency distributions exhibited by
parasites. However, it can handle only monotypic (single species) infections.
software is not up to date, and we recommend using it only as a
secondary choice. Also, this version's "aggregation indices" module does
not work under Win10, only under
former versions of
Windows (like Win7).
Find a
guide here:

QP3.0 download:

versions of Quantitative Parasitology are free for distribution and use in education and science.
However, we ask users to acknowledge our biostatistical research and
development efforts by citing our recent review:
Reiczigel J, Marozzi M, Fábián I, Rózsa L 2019.
Biostatistics for parasitologists – a primer to
Quantitative Parasitology.
Trends in Parasitology 35
(4): 277-281.